Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Listen to this
good tunes on the internet
Radio paradise modern and mellow, mostly
Cowboy Cultural Society feel the campfire, smell the beans and biscuits!
Blackwall Hitch The schoolteacher next door has a punkster alter-ego
Go to Shoutcast and go to town!

Monday, September 15, 2003

Lots of easy recipes to be found here.

Saturday, September 13, 2003

Wisconsin 2003 Fall Sampler guidebook
it's Saturday! have a nice cup of tea and sit down
Keep an eye out for this movie, The Last Dragon. The film is an eighties Kung Fu meets Electric Boogaloo thing but it's a total gas. It usually shows up late at night on cheesy cable channels. Crazy guy Joe Bob gave it 4 "drive in" stars back in '85.